Assalamualaikum n hope everyone having a cool holiday this CNY :)

Many things have happen to me these past 3 months..but it is settled one by one. Will tell u the stories when i get the time (n mood :P)

Tq for dropping by,readers! -2 February

Thursday, December 30

^______^ -_______- 0________o

Esok cuti sbb malaysia menang ;)
Isnin ni JPA masuk dlm bank ;)

Nnt nak x-ray kaki y tgh bengkak cm goiter :(
Nnt nak beli charger batt laptop compaq lps current 1 dh rosak :(

Rabu ni re-sit exam :0
mggu2 dpn mgkn p ukm jd manager u team silat :0

Monday, December 27

Awal2 sem dh lemah semangat..ish3

"kalau tak nak, jgn la buat..kalau nk bt, btla sepenuh2nya. jgn la jadi half-hearted"
"mar ni..cepat sgt putus asa..."

ouuuuch...dat hurts *_____*
but then again, i understand totally. tq..a good friend is the one that can be totally frank and totally right with you :)

ok...mari bersemangat!!!
kalo time2 tak semangat, mesti akn psg lagu ni ;)
Never Say Never (Justin Bieber)..lagu dari muvee Karate Kid..hihihi~
*mmg bersemangat la nk p training silat kejap lagi :P*

See I never thought that I could walk through fire.
I never thought that I could take the burn.
I never had the strength to take it higher,
Until I reached the point of no return.

And there's just no turning back,
When your hearts under attack,
Gonna give everything I have,
It's my destiny.

I will never say never! (I will fight)
I will fight till forever! (make it right)
Whenever you knock me down,
I will not stay on the ground.
Pick it up,
And never say never.

I never thought I could feel this power.
I never thought that I could feel this free.
I'm strong enough to climb the highest tower.
And I'm fast enough to run across the sea.

I can handle him.
Hold up, aight?
I can handle him.

Now he's bigger than me,
Taller than me.
And he's older than me,
And stronger than me.
And his arms a little bit longer than me.
But he ain't on a JB song with me!

I be trying a chill
They be trying to side with the thrill.
No pun intended, was raised by the power of Will.

Like Luke with the force, when push comes to shove.
Like Cobe with the 4th, ice water with blood.

I gotta be the best, and yes
We're the flyest.
Like David and Goliath,
I conquered the giant.
So now I got the world in my hand,
I was born from two stars
So the moon's where I land.

Saturday, December 25

Kereta boleh detect dosa? wah~

Salam n slmt petang :)

awal2 pg dh bgn pegi montel, port mkn best yg dekat ngn uia. Sy n studiomates brkumpul kt situ untk bt site analysis. Kate pun site tul2 kt simpang tige keluar uia :P

ok..straight to da point

sy, nik, suhairi naik krete ali pegi la interview n ambik pics sekitar gombak ni la. pastu kaan..time2 nk habis dh, foreigner ahli kmpln kami call kate die ade kt site.. (huhu..sbb die overslept n pegi2 site,sume dh blah -__-) ktrg bergegas la balik site. lepas dh pot pet pot pet..die kate die balik dl la..ali pun kate ok (kami dh siap nk tukar seat dh untk bg die tmpg senanyer..)

pastu,nk start krete..krete takmo start! huaaaah...

'krete ko habis minyak ke?'
'emm...krete ak sllnyer jadi camni kalo bt dosa..'
'tu la...tah2 die doa pape ke...doa org dizalimi ni makbul'

so..ktrg tolak la still takleh! huaaa...
'mgkn slh kite kot tak bg tmpg...bla bla *taubat*'
lepas masuk krete, try start,boleh! hiiiii....

krete tu takmo start jugak lps isi minyak lepas taktau la dosa sape lak
sile jgn tuduh tak bersalah..*bt muke angelic* ngee~

cerite hari y agak klaka selalunyer crite selalu ade moral of the story kaaan...

pendek kate..jike ditimpe kesusahan, bersyukurlah! mgkn Allah nk 'clean'kan kite saat tu jugak. bak kate Nabi kite..

Rasulullah berkate:

"Apabila Allah mahu mnjadikan seseorg hmbaNya baik (berkebajikan),
maka Allah percepatkn baginya balasan dosa2 dn kesalahannya di dunia lg dgn menurunkn bermacam2 musibah.

Sebaliknya apabila Allah mahu mnjadikan seseorg hmbaNya jahat,
Allah akn menghimpunkn segale dosa dn kesalahannya
dn menyekat segale dosa dari dibalas di dunie lagi,
sebaliknya segale dosanya di balas sepenuhnya di akhirat kelak"

p/s: please2..nk main ni!

kempunan dr kecik lg nk main. tp akn kecewe tiapkn kali pk sekepale sllnyer rm70-rm90 :'(

Thursday, December 16

New semester wish~

'May happiness be with you now and bless you even more'

"All the best for the new sem. Lets strive our best =)"
-a wish n bfday present from a friend

Last sem was pretty hectic with all the drama like..
not getting my project sent on time, thus failing my studio :(
Impossible passing grade one of my theory subject :/
Bla bla blaaa..

But Alhamdulillah..everything will/have turn out alrite and im now in my (almost) last semester before graduating (wiiiii~ ^_^) I pray that nothing will make it impossible to finish up my degree by next june and graduate with my other friends.

I deeply hope so..

So, wishing all final year peers for smooth sailing till getting the scroll in hand. InsyaAllah~
All da best!!!

Monday, November 8

Hidayah Allah

i used to believe that everyone can change..

make a change..

or be changed.

just need a bit of empathy, and people will get back on their feet.

but later in life, ive learned that..

some people just darn ignorant or ego to make a change or be changed.

which i never able to understand why...

'nape kan...ade org y tau ramai tak suke care die or tau diri die tu bermasalah..

tp tak pernah nk ubah?'

im not specifying to a person...but writing in general..or probably referring to a few people that passed by in my life..n which i hv try to make them change.

some people just cant change............yet. A reminder to myself too..

“Sesungguhnya engkau (wahai Muhammad) tidak berkuasa memberi hidayah petunjuk kepada sesiapa yang engkau kasihi (supaya ia menerima Islam), tetapi Allah jua lah yang berkuasa memberi hidayah petunjuk kepada sesiapa yang dikehendakiNya (menurut undang-undang peraturanNya) dan Dia lah jua yang lebih mengetahui akan orang-orang yang (ada persediaan untuk) menerima hidayah petunjuk (kepada memeluk Islam)” (Al-Qasas: 56)

“Brgsiapa dikehendaki Allah akn mndpt hidayah, Dia akn mmbukakn dadanya u menerima Islam. Dn brgsiapa dikehendakiNya mnjadi sesat, Dia jdkn dadanya sempit dn sesak, seakan2 dia sdg mndaki ke langit”

Saturday, November 6

putting effort and resting on tawakal ;)

Effort - Tawakal = Deserved failure/ unblessed victory

In order that you may not despair over matters that you fail to get, nor take pride over favors bestowed upon you. For Allah likes not prideful boaster [Al-hadid:23]

Needs tawakal to aid despair and eradicate pride

Tawakal - Effort = Unchanged failure

Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls). But when (once) Allah wills a people's punishment, there can be no turning it back, nor will they find, besides Him, any protecter [Ar-Ra’ad 11]

Needs effort to make things happen

Effort + Tawakal = Blissful victory/ Honorable failure

Whosoever fears Allâh and keeps his duty to him, He will prepare a way out from every difficulty. And He will provide Him from (sources) He never could imagine. and Whosoever puts his trust In Allâh, Then He will suffice Him. Verily, Allâh will accomplish his purpose. indeed Allâh has set a measure for All things. [At-Thalaq:2-3]

With both, we deserve Allah’s help and patience

-Effort -Tawakal = Deadly victory / Useless failure

So, when they forgot the warning with which they had been reminded, We opened to them the gates of every pleasant thing, until in the midst of their enjoyment in that which they were given by Us, all of a sudden, We took them to punishment, and they were plunged into destruction with deep regrets and sorrows [Al-Anaam:44]

Without both, we don’t deserve them.

About a friend that doesnt believe praying brings fortune (about istidraj)

About a robot called MAN-u-SIA LayCar


Thursday, November 4

Little Heroes

pics that i like from today's daily inspiration
so cuteee ^_^

Robocop (does he see where he's going? hm2..)

Spiderman (a little shy spider,huh?)

Sometimes we always ask people to make us smile but forgot to smile on our own.
So I will try to smile to make me n you happy today...everyday :)

Tuesday, November 2

Ayah y sgt caring lg protective..

sgt2 klaka bace entri cik effarini ni tau...mmg tergelak dr awal smpai habis.hak3..tq la share bnde ni time2 ak tgh bosan..nk share ngn korang lak ;)

Kepada Bf anak aku,

Peraturan 1:

Kalo ko sampai kat pagar umah aku pastu dok hon…hon, pastikan ko bawak
barang yang nak dihantar..sebab ko takkan ambik ape2 atau sesapa.

Peraturan 2:

Jangan ko pegang2 anak aku depan atau belakang aku. Ko boleh pandang dia,
selagi mata ko tak merayau lebih dari paras leher anak aku. Kalo ko takleh jaga
tangan ko dari dok pegang2 anak aku..aku boleh tolong cabut dan jaga tangan ko
kat umah..

Peraturan 3:

Aku tau skang nih fesyen budak2 pakai seluar londeh sampai nampak boxer
atau spender ko. Aku ni open-minded, so aku takkan suruh ko pakai seluar tu
elok2 cam manusia normal. Tapi, bagi memastikan yang seluar ko takkan terbukak
atau dibukak semasa ber’dating’ ngan anak aku, aku akan pakai stapler gun kat
dalam laci aku nih untuk lekatkan seluar ko kat pinggang.

Peraturan 4:

Aku rasa mesti ko tau pasal kempen seks ‘selamat’ yang omputih dok canang
hari2 kat tv atau internet. Kalo tak pakai perlindungan cam kondom atau lain2,
ko mungkin akan dapat penyakit yang mungkin membunuh ko satu hari nanti. Meh
sini aku nak bagitau, kalo ngan anak aku ni, aku lah pelindung tuh..dan aku akan
mendatangkan sakit kat tubuh badan ko dan kemungkinan besar akan bunuh ko jugak.

Peraturan 5:

Biasalah kalo ko nak berkenalan lebih baik ngan aku ni sebagai calon bapak
mertua ko..ko nak berbual pasal politik, pasal sukan atau lain2 topik semasa.
Aku takmo dengar semua tuh. Satu jer topik yang aku minat nak dengar: bila ko
nak antar anak aku balik ke umah ni semula? Dan jawapan yang aku nak dengar
cuma: “Awal.”

Peraturan 6:

Aku rasa ko ni hensem, popular kat kolej/pejabat ko, banyak peluang nak
dating ngan aweks2 lain yang lagi kiut-miut..aku takde hal ngan kelebihan ko
tu..selagi anak aku pon ok dengan kepopularan ko. Tapi, sekali ko dah couple
ngan anak aku, ko jangan pandai2 cari pompuan lain sampai la anak aku dah bosan
ngan ko atau dia break-off ngan ko. Kalo ko wat anak aku nangis, aku pulak akan
wat ko nangis.

Peraturan 7:

Sementara ko menunggu anak aku bersiap, jangan dok mengeluh kalo dia
bersiap lama sangat. Kalo ko nak orang yang punctual, ko leh dating ngan mat
askar. Kalo ko bosan menunggu kat luar tu, tolong le wat ape yang patut, cam
basuh keta aku atau cat pagar umah aku ni.

Peraturan 8:
Tempat2 berikut adalah dilarang sama sekali korang pergi dating; tempat
yang ada katil, ada sofa, ada rumput atau apa2 tempat yang leh duduk2 atau
baring2. tempat2 yang takde kehadiran orang tua, polis, tok imam. Tempat2 yang
gelap. Tempat2 yang membolehkan korang berpegang tangan/menari atau bersukaria.
Tempat2 yang panas sampai membuatkan anak aku terpaksa pakai tshirt takde
lengan..pakai short skirt. Tempat yang sejuk sampai ko kena panaskan badan anak
aku. Movie yang romantic, berunsurkan cium2 tu elakkan. Movie pasal seksa kubur
atau hari kiamat dibolehkan.

Peraturan 9:
Jangan sekali-kali menipu aku. Aku ni nampak jer perut buncit, kepala
hampir botak, tapi aku akan tau semua pergerakan ko dari spy2 aku. Kalo aku
tanya ko nak pegi mana, dengan sapa lagi yang join ngan korang, ko ada satu
peluang jer nak jawab dengan benar, tiada yang tak benar melainkan benar belaka.
Aku ada satu senapang patah, satu cangkul dan lima ekar tanah yang penuh hutan
kat belakang umah aku ni. Selalunya aku dok menembak khinzir kat situ. Kalo aku
tembak kepala ko kat belakang tu, takde sapa yang nak tanye. Jangan main2 ngan

Peraturan 10:
Ko patut takut ngan aku ni..kalo boleh biar sampai sangat2 takut. Aku ni
dok teringat2 lagi peristiwa bukit kepong. Sampai skang kalo ada orang datang
umah senyap2 pastu dok berbual kat laman aku nak tembak..aku ingatkan komunis.
Nanti dah abih dating, sampai kat pintu pagar, bukak pintu kereta dan angkat
dua2 tangan ko tinggi2. Cakap dengan jelas “saya datang antar anak pakcik”.
Pastu terus blah. Tak payah masuk minum teh. Kilauan matahari yang ko nampak kat
tingkap umah aku ni ialah teropong senapang sniper aku.

Sekian, Yg ditakuti,Bapak Kepada Gf ko.

Sunday, October 31

Kalaula zaman dulu ade internet...

sy terserempak ngn gmbr ni bile blog walking kt blog cik shazie time tgh boring2 kt lab...seyes pecah perut bace. izinkn copy paste ye,cik shazie ;)

Friday, October 29


just some pics i 'fav'ed from daily inspiration

Bile tgk 3d kt rumah...

Bile tak jmpe brush y cukup besar...

tah...juz 'cool'

Hidup ak skang tgh in a pause..ask me about what i want to do for the holiday or the future...i see a plain, dark sight. Getting me into no mood to write n post..huah

still waiting for that death sentence...either fail or pass -_-
Pray for me..

Thursday, September 23

New things :D

tapak kt bhgn depan,blkg,tepi dh nk tercabut...n dh lusuh habis. rasenyer since form 5 kot pkai kasut ni. dh brp kali dh gamkan tapak die ..tpi ttp cabut cm sy crite kt post psl jogging kat tasek dulu -_-

my new shoes..brand power.
siap ade extra comfort kt tapak die..buatkn rase boleh terbang lg tinggi bile berlari. woh...hiperbolanyer :P mmbuatkn sy lg bersemangat dn yakin ketike jogging.
yey :D

new buddy u si hitam sy y lonely atas meje.
Panda y cm bola bowling azie bg from china. yey :D

post sekadar nk hilangkn ngantuk tak cukup tido bt projek..huah~
ok..back to the drawings!!

Saturday, September 18

Keep wishing..keep praying~

Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now

I could use a dream or a genie or a wish
To go back to a place much simpler than this

There comes a time where you fade to the blackness
And when you're staring at that phone in your lap
And you hoping but them people never call you back
But that's just how the story unfolds
You get another hand soon after you fold
And when your plans unravel
And they sayin' what would you wish for
If you had one chance

So airplane airplane sorry I'm late
I'm on my way so don't close that gate
If I don't make that then I'll switch my flight
And I'll be right back at it by the end of the night

I'm hopin' we can make some wishes outta airplanes

('Airplane' song by B.O.B)

Can we?
Praying hard to Him to make things will get better :)

Wednesday, September 15


sometimes a hug makes one stronger than thousands of words..
tq for catching me when i fall.

i know im better than that..
tq 4 making me realize it.

i can take it!

Saturday, September 4


hahahaaa =p

Thursday, September 2

Try, and try...and try..then try again!

one of the many motivating pages in
'Its Not How Good You Are, Its How Good You Want To Be' book
by Paul Arden

Trial and error..
sometimes its the only way~

Friday, August 27

Double F: Forgive n Forget

Guilt haunts us all. Some of it is deserved—we’ve messed up and we need to confess, apologize, and do what we can to make amends. A lot of our guilty feelings, however, are self-imposed and unnecessary. We sometimes feel guilty for things that are beyond our control or not our fault. We feel guilty because of expectations we have about what we ought to be doing or not doing during a particular season of our lives. Or we still feel guilty about things we’ve confessed and for which we’ve already received forgiveness. If we can learn how to release these false feelings of guilt, we can live more peaceful and productive lives................. (i got these during researching for my design project)

Forgive and forget...
for the things ive done or someone else have done to me..
at times its the hardest thing to do..
but it should be done~

Dan balasan suatu kejahatan adalah kejahatan yang serupa,
maka barang siapa memaafkan dan berbuat baik
(berbuat baik pada org y jht bt padanya) maka pahalanya atas (tanggungan) Allah. Sesungguhnya Dia tidak menyukai orang-orang yang zalim
[Asy Syuura: 42]
Dan (bagi) orang-orang yang menjauhi dosa-dosa besar dan perbuatan- perbuatan keji, dan apabila mereka marah, mereka memberi maaf.
[Asy Syuura: 37]

Wednesday, August 25

saying InsyaAllah means i'll do it~

Sering kali orang mengucapkan InsyaAllah sebagai alasan untuk tidak melakukan sesuatu perkara.

Sebagai contoh: “Boleh tak kita berjumpa malam ini?” Jika perjumpaan itu tidak disukai, maka kita akan menjawab: “InsyaAllah la, kalau Allah izin” Sedangkan kita di dalam hati memang niatnya tak nak pergi. Nanti kalau yang mengajak bertanya mengapa tak pergi? Kita akan menjawab: “Tadi kan saya kata InsyaAllah je. Belum tentu nak pergi” Begitu.

InsyaAllah menjadi satu perkataan untuk satu kerja yang kita sebenarnya tak nak buat, atau sambil lewa hendak melakukannya.

“Ketahuilah bahawa, segala perbuatan kita adalah milik Allah. InsyaAllah bukan bicara kosong. Tetapi ia adalah doa agar Allah benar-benar merealisasikan apa yang kamu hendak buat. InsyaAllah bukti keseriusan kita dalam sesuatu perkara. Sebab itu kita sebut: “InsyaAllah” sebagai doa ianya direalisasikan oleh Allah SWT sambil kita mengusahakannya.

Learn to say 'No' if u dont want to do something..

n say 'Yes..InsyaAllah' if u want do something! Cause its a promise to yourself (and to others) and a hope that relies to Allah

Inshaallah- Maher Zain

Everytime you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can`t see which way to go
Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insya Allah 2x
Insya Allah you`ll find your way

Everytime you can make one more mistake
You feel you can`t repent
And that its way too late
Your`re so confused,wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame

Don`t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Turn to Allah
He`s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
OOO Ya Allah
Guide my steps don`t let me go astray
You`re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way 2x

finding the road to Mardhatillah
Trying to be Your Mardhiah