Assalamualaikum n hope everyone having a cool holiday this CNY :)

Many things have happen to me these past 3 months..but it is settled one by one. Will tell u the stories when i get the time (n mood :P)

Tq for dropping by,readers! -2 February

Thursday, July 30

More than a message received

It was short sem.
Baru habis crit 2 u projek multidip bookcafe kami.
Itu bermkna telah berhari2 bgn,tido,mkn, minum u projek.
hati seperti semakin kosong.
Mgkn sbb terlalu ’khusyuk’ ngn projek, hati dibiar tnpe dipantau.

Kepenatan teramat.

matahari telah membenamkn diri,
ku pule membaringkn diri..
merehatkn diri.

[1 message received]

Jika kamu menolong agama Allah,
Maka Dia pasti akan menolongmu
Dan teguhkan kedudukanmu

Pelik nape tetibe kwnku msg gini. But it made me wonder..Bagaimane nk tolong agama Allah?

Yup. Tq for the reminder.

Everyday aku fkrkn perkare ni.
Ku taktau exactly pe perlu bt tp ku bt termampuku.
Jz hope I can do more.

Be da best!

Jd org kaya dn sumbangkan u agama.
Masa muda bkn u suka ria sahaja.
Pada aku, mase muda adalah u merancang.


betul kate kamu.
Pade ku pule, mase muda u preparation.
Prepare u hadapi ujian y lagi besar pd mase depan,

so perlula berjaye lalui ujian kecil pade mase ni.
Prepare u ajak ramai org,

so perlu berjaye atau biasekn ajak org2 terdekat.
Prepare u betulkn org lain,

so perlu betulkn diri dl.

Y last tu mcm krg tepat aku rase.

Nk tggu diri sendiri sempurna,
smpai bebile pn xdpt tgr org.

Yup.kamu betul.

Mksdku td,
b4 nk baikkan org,
kene baikkan diri dl.
Like Ali Ibnu Abi Talib said,
’sesape y jadikn dirinya pemimpin org lain,
prlu ajr diri sndiri sblm ajar org lain.
Ajr dgn perilaku sblm tutur kate.’
”Amat besar kemurkaan Allah bile kamu katekan ape y tak kamu lakukan”

Bgs2 kamu.chaiyok2..:)


more than a message received into my hp but also a message to the heart
hoping for more than a reply 4rm my hp but also my reply to the hearts of others too...

but the question still lingers dat night till now...
bagaimane menolong agama Allah?

mengejar Mardhatillah
ingin menjadi Mardhiah-Mu


Saturday, July 18

How Heavenly For Her

How heavenly for her,
touched by His incomparable care,
protected and sealed,
from the treacherous, misleading of the world.
Though impossible to live her life flawlessly,
she knows....
she's in peace.

For He sought to grasp her heart,
as she has fallen deeply for Him,
everyday she spoke of Him.
And without a doubt.....
smiles for the promises He made for her.

How heavenly she thought,
if she is to be the beloved....
by The Most Loving.

As clear as her name,
loved by the one that loves her,
loved by him,
waiting every so often....
for her to realize,
how clear the mark she had made in his heart.

As clear as her name,
he loves her dearly.

She wonders,
heart filled with her devotion for Him,
eagerly awaits for Him to call her name,
longing for her eyes to capture the warmth of His face.

She wonders,
was it fate that brought him here..
to appear before her eyes?
believing He purposely destined him to be near her,
beloved by The One and the chosen one.
Or the love she has for Him...
will stay strong in the presence of him.
Will she let Him fade from her heart for him?
Will she let him take her from Him?

she wonders....

she cant live without,
she knows she cant.
Forgetting Him or forgotten by Him,
risking of losing Him forever,
or naively makes Him wait...
for her to come back.

knocks her door...gently,
calling to be answered...softly,
she leans on the other side of the closed door,
face buried in her shaking hands,

'Help me...' she whispered to Him,
hoping for Him to whisper back,
is he welcomed or to be ignored?
she can bear losing everything,
even him.
yes...even him.
but to lose Him..
her life meant nothing.

'Help me!' she cried to Him,
Him and him?
Him or him?
silently questioned.
carefully answered.
frequently corrected.
hopefully settled.

-the beloved-

Sunday, July 5

Sehari bersame mereke <3

spt cuti2 y lain,
kami akn adekn 'family outing'
cuti kali ni,
bapak ngn 4 anak pompuannyer telah mengaturkn aktiviti masak bersame di rumah bella.


[Giant-beli barang masak]

barang2 u masak? check!


razi: 'ermm...ibu, camner nk masak spaghetti? oh..ok2' :P

razi: 'ok sume. bersedia di tmpt masing2! kite akn mule mmsk!'
myra,bel,nad: 'Baik!'
aku: 'aku tkg tgkp gmbr! takpe2..nnt aku bsh pggn'
alasan baik punyaa..XP

'dgr ni. korang kene reti masak. masak die mcm ni..
bla bla blaa..'

yaaa...tu diaaa...sape kate mardhiah mohd yunos tak reti masak?
*bunyik cengkerik* errr....

[Ruang tamu-makan tghari]

mkn time :D
simple je menu kami- spagetti, chappati, air epal twistter.

[Taman tasik Shah alam- Bersiar2]

[Kecurian di Tmn Tasik Shah Alam]

kecurian ini hnyla lakonan semate2.
jgn bt laporan polis, sudeh~

mari lihat versi nad pule =D

Friday, July 3

yeah..childhood memories stays

On the day Micheal Jackson died,

almost everyone in facebook and ym wrote their shoutout n status about it

like ‘mj died’ ‘ mj..i luv’ etc.

and till now,

whenever I turn on the tv,

there will still be remembrance of him by his songs played or his life told.

i think i must have watched almost 6 times about mj's life 'true hollywood stories' on E!


I have my own side of the story to tell bout how I came to know the pop legend.


When I was a kid,

umi LOVES mj’s songs.

She still has that big LD (Laser Disk) of mj’s album which she used to play it when I was little.

I remembered my little bro n my little self put on that LD and pick the thriller video clip.

N guess what we did?

We imitate the dialogs and dance moves!

From the beginning till the end.

Me being mj and my little bro as mj’s date.


I did the zombie dance.


totally childish!

tu diaa...umi's favorite LD =)

There was also the time my family and I flew to Brunei and stayed at ayah’s fren’s house.

We all played at Jerudong Park (back then there’s no entrance fee like now)

from dust to late night.

There were tons of rides!

We cant even finish them all in 1 night.

Back to the story..

Mj was also there performing at an open concert.

I dun remember much cause I was too thrilled with the rides at the park

but umi told me we when to watch mj perform from faaar back,

far away from the crowds

till ayah had to carry her so she could see above all the heads of the audience.

She even got herself a MJ T-shirt. Ngee~


If he really did embraced Islam b4 his death,

I wonder if he is moonwalking in heaven now.


jz me n my imagination.



Thursday, July 2

Take care, Hajar

Everytime news of death of someone dears to someone close to me comes,
time seems to stop running eventhough the clock keeps ticking,
like nothing matters anymore…
cause in that paused phase,
I realize that nothing stays.
nothing is eternal.

I feel like wanna do nothing..
but life must go on.
And so, I write this post, in remembrance of my bestie, Noor Hajar’s mom who had just passed away.


To my loving frens and blog readers..

Death comes so sudden.
It comes in any situation, any age..u all must have know these.
What im trying to highlight here is…
u dunnu when is urs.
But u must know, u HAVE to prepare for it..every single day of u life..
ur temporary life.

Some might think..
’alaa..umur aku pnjg lagi. Sat2 nnt bile dah tue or dah sakit smpai tak leh bgn..aku akn cover balik. Taubat habis2an!’. some might not even gave it any thought.
dun wanna talk much. Jz read below:

“dn taubat itu tdklah ditrime Allah dr org2 y mengerjakan kjhtn hgga apabila dtg ajal kpd ssrg di atr mrk, barula ia mengatakan, ‘sy bnr2 brtaubat skang’. Dn tidak pula dtrime taubat dr org2 mnggl sdg mereke dlm kekafiran.”

Let us think…
Our life is spared now from the pains of death and after-death
because Allah know that is best for us.
By delaying our last-breath moment,
the bad have time to repent and the good can spread good to others.

Our life does have a purpose, dun u think?

Rasulullah said,
‘sekali2 jgnla slh seorg dr kalian mghrpkn kematian, sbb mgkn saja ia org y baik, shgga ia bisa mnmbh kebaikannya. Dn mgkn saja ia org y brk bisa brtaubat.
[HR Al-Bukhari]


Rasulullah also said,
“Apabila Allah mahu jdkn hmbaNya baik (brkebajikn),
make Allah prcptkn bgnya blsn diatas dosa2 dn kslhnnya di dunia lg
dgn mnrnkn brmcm2 musibah.
Sebaliknya apabila Allah mahu jdkn ssrg hmbaNya jht (xberkebajikan),
make Allah akn mghimpunkn sgl dosa dn kslhnnya
dn menyekat sgla dosa itu dr dibls di dunia lg,
sblknya sgl dosa y dihmpnkn itu dibls spnhnya di akhirat kelak”

[Anas bin Malik]

If u face and value the difficulties that come by ur way, syukur..InsyaAllah, Jannah awaits u =)


To my dearest hajar..

I can barely think of the most suitable words to comfort u.
to say everything will be ok, I myself dun think that way..
cause I believe it have change ur life somehow.

Ur mom must have been the closest human being 2 u..
being the person at ur side since the very second u were born.

But I can promise this (InsyaAllah)..
me,nad,nik,bell,and ur other loving frens will be there to support u.
will help u in any means possible to comfort u.

u have been there for me when I shed my tears throughout my difficult times.

And now,
I will be here for u…insyaAllah.

Wednesday, July 1

Eeer..not again!

Cuti ni cm cuti2 b4 ni,

Aku mghabiskn saat cuti u menemani umi y sll keseorangan.

Al-maklumla, abg 1st aku tggl,keje full-time,n blj part-time kt lumut. Abg 2nd aku blj kt gmi,bngi. N adik laki aku duk kt skul teknik shah alam.

N cm ari2 bese,

De je ceramah y aku akn tmn umi p.


ari ni,

kwn umi y ambik ktrg kt umah n here we go.

Time ceramah tu, aku dah tersenguk2. Ngntk la pulok.

plan A, mkn gule2…ngntk gak.

Plan B, cube nk borak ngn org sblh. Ibu tu nmpk garang lak. Takleh2…ngntk lg.

Plan C lak...dah takde choice. Msg jela sape2. Yeah. Berjaye..

Itu bkn crite y aku nk stori…

Aku nk stori obsesi mak aku y nakkan anak die ni ngn pnceramah ss19 tu. Sape tak tau or dah lupe stori 2,

sile tkn n bace ni dulu.

Smpai2 je krete kwn umi kt dpn umah ak,

aku pun salam la auntie tu…and then…. 0_o

“nah (pndk u mazanah, mak aku..), esok kite p ss19 ye” .. aku tgh nk bukak pintu krete.


“ajak la mardhiah skali.”.... Esok de ceramah pe? Esok ri ape ye?

“haah. Eh,nnt kite tny ustz ridhuan tu berpunya ke tak”.... terkedu aku sekejap. Oh no, not again!

“ahhha..boleh2. mane tau ade jodoh.”...... Cpt2 kuar krete. Ttp pintu!



Takmau2 >_<

ade2 je la umi nii..