Assalamualaikum n hope everyone having a cool holiday this CNY :)

Many things have happen to me these past 3 months..but it is settled one by one. Will tell u the stories when i get the time (n mood :P)

Tq for dropping by,readers! -2 February

Monday, December 29

oh,so sweet..

how are you today?
I hope you're doing well
but she kept on going
and I couldn't tell
she made her mark
she made her mark on me

something different
a bounce in her step
and all the while
maintaining modesty in her smile
shined so bright
she made her mark
she made her mark on me

not her looks
nor perfume
not that she lit up the room
all her heart
all her mind
everything inside
could open the eyes
of even the blind
she made her mark on me

she was a sister
but all so very real
didn't go over
one way or the other
feared Allah, feared Allah moreover
she made her mark
she made her mark on me

she deserves a song
she's better than me
goes against the grain
no matter how great the pain
doesn't care what people say
she'll go her own way
she made her mark
she made her mark on me


theres something in her mind
theres something in her soul
it takes some years to find
but she already knows



currently tgh addicted ngn lagu ni.
mmpukh ku jd org y ditujukn lagu ni?

grup seven8six ni pun not bad..
bes sgt2~!
rentak bes n bermesej


Sunday, December 28

Oh! berila smngt u mendesign!

video pembakar smgt u bt design.
korang kene tgk video ni!

seyes korang takkan salah pronounce and lupe name arkitek ni.

waaaah! dah de project~

baru smggu duk kt uia,
assignment tak sabar2 mendampingi kami

1st day kt uia..dh de grup studies u project
2nd day kt uia...dh de soklan2 kene jwb n hntr mggu2 dpn.

3rd day kt uia..di'assign' u p lumberyards n local market u bt research psl timber.

4th day kt uia....cuti laaa. ahahha!

5th presentation

(tp disbbkn kesuntukan mase, grup ku tak present.huk3 sian grupmates ku y bertgkus lumus bt powerpoint.)

6th day kt uia..p kedai2 n kilang2 kayu. sgt penat..

kebusyan mula dirase..
nk tulis post ni pon kene make sure keje2 lain kene siapkn dulu.

jgn leka,mar!
mentang2 la dah de laptop sendiri n leh surf bile2 jer.

u project studio,
ku kene study psl arkitek german y bername mies van der rohe.


Friday, December 26

Sape y rosak?

Rasullullah SAW telah bersabda..

"Jika ada seseorang berkata:
"Orang ramai sekarang ini sudah rosak",
maka orang yang berkata itu sendiri yang paling rosak di antara mereka."
H.R. Muslim

menurut Imam Nawawi,
kite tak leh ckp gitu ngn rase bgga ('org lain rosak, aku tak..aku ok')
seolah2 cm kite rndah2kn org2 itu lk.
kot2 la y 'rosak' ade y jahil ttg agame n tak tau or sedar kesalahan die.
or y 'rosak' ni dh bertaubat n tgh berusahe u ubah u jd diri y lebih baik.

Haram kalau gitu.

tp kalo kite kate gitu ngn rase sedih ngn y sdg berlaku kt y 'rosak' n mengharapkn org2 lain u tolong betulkn y salah, benarkn y palsu..
tiade salahnye..


Thursday, December 25

It happened so sudden -_-

[if ur in KAED (kuliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design) today,
u might have know about this....]

at about 5 smthg in the evening,
Dr.Shukri (advisor for heritage study and kaed's student body, studiomaster to 5th and 1st year, lecturer to Applied Art and Quantity Surveyor students)
died of high amount of blood lost.


it happened when he was trying to carry the mosque heritage model which he intend to bring to Kedah to be presented to Sultan Kedah this Friday.
it was around A1 size,
n i bet it was really heavy.
the model accidentally dropped.

the glass cover of the model cut his thigh..

luckily for him,
he made it out from the room and called my fren who was passing by.

so she called for help n got some1 to call the ambulance.

he made it to the hospital,

but it was too late..

he was announced passed away in the operating room...

We manage to do tahlil n Yasin recitation.

His body was brought to masjid usj4, subang jaya
(which is near to his mother's house. his wife is currently in Kedah)
for the jenazah prayer n tahlil.


jz a few days ago,

i was informed fren's sibling died of road accident.
a few weeks ago,

frens of others died of accidents too.

is this a reminder from the Almighty?

my mind kept thinking..


they say,
Allah will eventually take the lifes of mukmins

and what's left on earth
are kafirs and those who does not follow Him.

which group will we be in?

all the news of people's death seems so sudden.
they say when u r near to ur end (nazak)
ur regrets n ur repents wouldnt be bothered by Him.

and u can actually see a glimpse of where u will be going
-Heaven or Hell..

will we be prepared then to face it?
what if we have so much sins?
as it seems,
it can be happen so sudden,
anytime or anywhere unexpected..


Wednesday, December 24

start the day with a swing..wiii~~

'next time you sedih2,
watch the duck swing
and imagine dat it's you yang tgh swing tu..
Chill2 sll :)'

thnk u so much for the present,
azie dear ^_^

Life Wont Get Easier...

Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

"cubaan ttp akn menimpa diri org mukmin dn mukminah,
anak dn juge hrtanya,
sehingga dia bersua dgn Allah dn pada dirinya tidak ada lagi satu kesalahan pun."

mengapa mukmin tidak mnjadi bebas krn keutamaannya di sisi Tuhannya?

sbb Tuhan kita hndk mmbersihkn org mukmin dr segale maksiat dn dosa2nya.
Kebaikan2nya takkan tercipta kecuali dgn care ini.
Maka Dia menguji sehingga dpt mmbersihkannya.

Rasulullah bersabde:

"tidaklah seorg mukmin ditimpa sakit, letih, demam, sedih
hgga kekhuatiran mengusiknya,
melainkn Allah mengampuni kesalahan2nya."

sabar menghadapi sakit,
menguasai diri krn kekhuatiran dn emosi,
mnhn lidah agar tak mengeluh..


do the best n never give up.
cz life wont be easier..

jz a short reminder 4 myself n InsyaAllah for others..

Sunday, December 21

[Past memories] Long way to go..

last sem..

1st time masuk degree,
1st time duk main campus kt gombak.

studiomates lain,
rooomates lain,
suasane lain.


time orentasi y tersgtla 'bes'.
sume pakai name tag,
n baju batik.
[cm budak2 skul lk..huk3]

teruje ngn besarnye n sejuknye kaed.
bdk2 kaed y kebudak2an :P

stepping stone buatan kami u lecs.
orentasi la katekn...huk3

grup project bersame lisot, maahad, aiman, adni

trip to bukit tinggi for site analysis

presentation day for 3rd project.
di kaed gallery.

graduation dinner for graduating students.
jd usher.
hari bhagie bt sehari..hiii~~ :D

jamuan silat u mereke2 y lahir bulan ogos.

portfolio day sec 2.
projects displayed.

meredo project bcm kali ke-2.
hari2 emosi paling tak stabil.

~~Same old duck, brand new sem~~

A duck
floats on the surface of the water,

unruffled on its surface,
the serenity n joy
of the peace from its surrounding.

Under the water,
its feet paddling hard,
harder than people have imagined a duck needs to swim,
to stay calm,
to stay above all,
to stay alive.

i'm like a duck,
calm above the water and paddling hard underneath.

it will be another sem,
a harder struggle,

a longer battle,

a busier time,
a brand new experience..

n less frequent of blog-updating :P

wish me all da best~!

thnks for those who have supported me.

luv you all <3

Thursday, December 18

~Oldest Bestie~

ini bukan cite psl bestie ku y paling tue,
tp bestie ku y paling lame ngn aku.
10 thn dah.

disebabkn tahap kebosanan ku y terlampau ari ni,
ku pun decide u ke umah asma'.

dpt nii.. ^_^
tq so much~
i luv it a lot!

teringt dulu....
budak ni ku kenal sejak drjh 4 lg.
time tu,
ku tersgt la bising kt skul n ber'geng' ngn 3 mmbr ku y sekepale.
tetibe nmpk la budak pendiam mane tah y duk sorang2.

' saye mardhiah. nape sorang2?'
'oh..saye asma..emm'
'pemalu lak dier ni...'
tup..tup...aku pun tarik die masuk geng ku
n bermulela persahabatan atr aku n die.


teringt dulu....
de satu ari ni, ak tny..
'awak mmg sll pakai tudung ye?' (ye...time ni ku free hair)
'haah...sejak tadika lg.hm2'

tah nape...tetibe terbukak lak hati nk ikut.
lg pun, ustazah duk asyik pesan soh pakai time pend. islam.


teringt dulu....
time form 1 kt smk usj 4,
tetibe satu ari dlm bulan april tu,
balik skul, ayah sllnye ambik..
tp tah nape umi n ayah de dlm krete n pndg ku semcm.
'aku bt salah ker?'
'mardhiah dpt masuk mrsm. lg satu mggu sklh kt sini'

balik tu,
ku terus kol asma,
n cite y aku dpt masuk mrsm.
sok2 tu,
p skul cm bese.

kene marah lak..
sbb die ingtkn aku kene p mrsm dh.
rupe2nye lepas aku letak telefon ari sebelum tu,
die nngs sgt2.
terharu pulak.


teringt dulu,
lps spm mmg bosan.
so, aku n asma tiap2 pg p cycling.
round2 usj3A.
n kdg2 main badminton gk.

lps dh main2,
mkn brekfes kt restoran anjung merah
atau brekfes kt umah die :D
den lepak2 kt umah die smpai tghari br balik umah.

5 thn ak duk mrsm n die skul kt subang,
byk y nk dicite..


moga berpanjangan ^_^

Wednesday, December 17

Menunggu y ditunggu..

Maria melihat jam tgnnye bt kali ke berape th.
Amin masih tak kelihatan..


Dn tggu….

Tetibe amin pun dtg ngn selambenye.

‘hey maria.jom gerak!’

‘saye dh tggu awak nk dkt 2jam dh tau! Awk bt pe td? Nape lmbt? Bkn nk gitau..’

‘alaa..btpe nk sy jumpe kwn jap. Awak tak kisah kn?’
‘saye kisah laa!’,marah Maria.

Amin terdiam tp masih tak rase bersalah.


Ptt ke maria marah?

Perlu ke amin bt dunnu tnpe rase bersalah?


kalo saye kate amin tu kite.

N y menunggu tu Allah..
Rasenye kite perlu rase bersalah tak?


Cmtu la y berlaku kalo kite lengah2kn solat.

Kite solat u bertemu ngn Allah..

Tp kite lmbtkn nk bertemu dgnNya

cz kene habiskn homework dulu..

nk main game jap ke pe.


Rasulullah s.a.w pernah ditanya oleh sahabat baginda,
"Apakah amalan yang paling afdhal ya Rasulullah?". Baginda menjawab, "Pertama,solat di awal waktu, kedua:berbakti kepada kedua ibu bapa dan ketiga:berjihad di jalan Allah.." (Hadith Riwayat Bukhari & Muslim)

Di samping itu, Rasulullah pernah bersabda:
“Barang siapa yang bersolat tepat pada waktunya
dan melengkapkan rukuk, sujud dan khusyuk
maka solat itupun naik ke atas dalam keadaan putih dan cemerlang.

Solat itu berkata:
“Semoga Allah menjaga dirimu
sebagaimana engkau menjaga aku
(menyempurnakan rukun solat itu).
Tetapi barang siapa yang tidak bersolat,
tidak dalam waktu yang ditentukan
dan tidak pula menyempurnakan wuduknya
serta tidak pula melengkapkan rukuk, sujud dan tanpa khusyuk sama sekali,
maka solat itupun naiklah ke atas
dalam keadaan hitam kelam sambil berkata:
“Semoga Allah mensia-siakan dirimu
sebagaimana engkau mensia-siakan aku.
Selanjutnya setelah solat itu berada di suatu tempat
seperti dikehendaki Allah,
ia pun lalu dilipatkan sebagaimana dilipatnya baju yang koyak rabak
kemudian dipukulkanlah kepada mukanya.”
(riwayat al-Tabrani dan Baihaqi).

Ade gkla keadaan y bolehkn kite lewatkan solat cm cuaca terlampau panas dan berjemaah secara terbuka di luar.

Sabda Nabi SAW:
Tangguhlah sehingga sejuk bagi solat Zuhur, kerana kekuatan panas (matahari) adalah daripada bahang neraka jahanam. (riwayat al-Bukhari).

Tp skang ni masjid2 berbumbung.
Tmbh2 lg kalo de aircon!

Melewatkn solat u solat isyak lain cite,
tu tak salah selagi tak terlmpau lewat smpai nk dkt subuh br nk solat.

Wktu afdhalnye hgge separuh mlm je,cm dlm kol 10 or 11 mlm.

Dan mereka yang menjaga amanah dan janjinya, dan orang yang memelihara solatnya; mereka itulah orang yang berhak mewarisi syurga Firdaus, mereka kekal di dalamnya. (al-Mukmin:8-11)

Pelihare solat tu kirenye bt 5 solat u sehari semalam.

Dari Ibn Umar ra
"solat pada awal waktu mendapat keredhaan Allah,
solat pada akhir waktu mendapat kema'afan Allah."

Maksud keredhaan Allah ialah kerana solat diawal waktu
adalah perbuatan Ihsan (excellence),

manakala kema'afan Allah kerana telah cuai
dgn melengah-lengahkan solat.


ada suatu hari, Saidina Umar sedang mmbina sebuah rumah.
ketika beliau sedang leka menyusun batu-bata u bina dinding2 bg rumah tu,
beliau terdengar suara azan Zohor dilaungkn.

pda ketike itu,
saidina Umar sedang memegang bata terakhir u menyiapkn dinding.
tnpa teragak2, beliau pun meletakkan bata tu ke atas tanah
dn terus bergegas ke surau di mana azan td dilaungkn


Jgn lk solat ngn keadaan y rushing2 lk or tak focus time solat ye

kalo2 de penerangan u ditmbh,



Menjelajah Shah Alam

'moh, ko kene p mane esok?'
‘kene p les copaque, karangraf, hotel2 kt subang’
‘oh,hhah~ dkt je ngn umah aku. Leh aku drive :P tp ko kene byr minyak. Aku tgh kepokaian teramat’
‘hahahaha~ boleh je…’


Ngn berpndukan peta brhrge rm10 n tgki minyak y diisi ngn rm15
(trime kasih ye moh!hii~~),
aku, moh, dn hazlee (kwn moh) pun mulekn prjlnn.

Aku selaku driver y ‘berpengalaman’
Moh pembace peta y ‘cekap’
Hazlee penanya arah bile tersesat ^_^’

'Caye gk ye ko moh kt aku even aku br accident ritu n tak tau sgt jln shah alam ni:P'

[1st destination - les’ copaque, seksyen 13 shah alam]

Kalo korang nk tau,
kt sini la studio animasi ‘upin dn ipin’ tu.
Agk cOooL la bgnn dier,
De katak besar kt ats bgnn tu.
kt dpn bgnn tu lk restoran die gk, 'geng's corner'
gmbr upin ipin ade kt mane2 saje!
Byk souvenir ‘upin ipin’ y dijual
Bantal la, t-shirt etc

[2nd destination -karangkraf]

Kuar dr seksyen 13 td,
terus la ke federal highway.
Kalo ikut map y aku tgk kt google map smlm
(ye…aku siap bkk google map cz tak tau jln)
kene masuk kt simpang bulatan selangor.

Aku drive la ngn confidennye n cari signboard u msk simpang tu..

Tup tup smpai kt satu tol
'Huh,tol sg.rasau?! Kite still kt shah alam lg ke ni?'

'Moh2! Check map!'
'Kite kt seksyen 1 laa!'

Y penting,
Smpai gk la ke karangkraf tu..

'Ok, p uitm lk. Aku nk jmpe tirah'
Layan jela karenah die ni.
Minyak still byk.
Dh tak ingt brp byk roundabout aku lalu

[3rd destination –uitm shah alam]

aku park la kt car park dpn fakulti perubatan n ktrg gerak p sane.
Terjmpe zam n pem.
Pastu terserempak ngn nadia n nailil lk.

Tirah pun dtg...

Mmndgkn kite lom mkn,
So aku,moh,tirah pun mkn la same2.
Tirah siap jd tour guide lg.
Tp die takmau bwak masuk anatomy lab.
'Alaaa…tak dpt jmpe mayat2 dlm tu :P'
Hazlee melayan kwn lamenye y ternmpk die time kite smpai.

Pastu jmpe siti lk.
Terjumpe skali hakimah,raja n y lain2.
(budak2 x-taiping ramai gk ye kt uitm ni)

Lepas hntr tirah balik kolej,
Kami pun bertolak balik ke subang.

[4th destination- sun inn, 3K inn]

p tmpt2 ni cz drg nk survey.
Den hntr drg balik ktm.



Sgt penat tp sonok!
Aku dh berjaye drive kuar subang!
Aku blj bace map!
Aku jmpe kwn2 lame!
N aku dpt tolong bestie ku!


crite versi moh

Tuesday, December 16

Tak adilkah?

Intro dulu ye..

Kwn saye, X ( name dirahsiakn..) rapat ngn saye.
Saye sll perhatikn die time kuar or bile die ade ngn saye.
Sllnye time zohor ke asar,
mesti die takde tande2 nk p solat.

‘lupe kot..'’

So sll la kene ingtkn n ajak die.
Lepas2 aritu,
Saye tny la..
nape tak nmpk die solat pun..
Pastu die tny saye balik soklan y tersgt la saye tak sgke..

‘bt pe nk solat..saye solat penat2,bknnye lg senang hidup.
Tgk org2 y senang n kaye, ade je y tak solat,minum arak..
tp hidup drg jauh lg sng dr saye.
N org kate Allah Maha Adil? Aku tak cayelaa…’

Seyes terdiam kjp bile dgr die ngaku camni….
Leh murtad ni cz ngaku ngn lidah.


Knp Allah bg nikmat2 pada mereke y tak berhak dpt?

Itulah istidraj
(baru tau de term ni..)

istidraj ni mmberi mksd menipu dn merendah2kn.
Mereke2 ni y dpt ‘nikmat’ dr Allah tu sebenarnye dpt istidraj,
‘nikmat’ y Allah bg u tmbh menyesatkn dn menjauhkan mereke2 ni dariNya.

Sabda Rasullulah S.A.W bermaksud:

Apabila kamu melihat bahawa Allah Taala memberikan nikmat
kepada hambanya yang selalu membuat maksiat (durhaka)
maka ketahuilah bahawa orang itu telah diistidrajkan oleh Allah S.W.T.
(Riwayat at-Tabrani, Ahmad dan al-Baihaqi).

Tak semestinye ujian dari Allah berupe kegagalan, kekurangan, kemiskinan, kematian etc
Ujian leh berupe kesenangan, kejayaan, kekayaan etc


ade y berbuat maksiat tapi rasa Allah sayangi drg lagi dengan memberi nikmat2.
Drg pndg rendah kt org2 y sungguh2 bt amal, jage agame n berdkwh tapi tgk2 Allah tak bg nikmat2 cm y drg dpt free2.
drg lupa untuk bertaubat dan bersyukur n tak bt amal soleh.
Semakin sombong ngnNya n org2 lain.
Allah bg istidraj u biarkn drg leka n alpa.
Last2…drg ke mane ye?
fhm2 jelaa..

Firman Allah Taala bermaksud:

Tatkala mereka melupakan peringatan yang telah diberikan kepada mereka
maka Kamipun membukakan semua pintu-pintu kesenangan untuk mereka
sehingga apabila mereka bergembira dengan apa yang telah diberikan kepada mereka,
Kami siksa mereka dengan sekonyong-konyong
maka ketika itu mereka terdiam berputus asa.
Maka orang-orang yang zalim itu dimusnahkan sampai ke akar-akarnya.
Segala puji bagi Allah,
Tuhan semesta alam.
(Surah al-Anaam: ayat 44 dan 45).

Lain pulak y berlaku kt drg y sggh2 bt terbaik u imannya, agamanya..
mereke diuji ngn dugaan2 dr Allah.
Jgn sesekali salahkn Allah or fikirkn Allah tu tak adil.
Bkn ke Dia y tau y terbaik bt kite?
n tau pe y kite tak tau?
Ngn ujian2 begini la,
kite akn kmbali ingtkn Allah,
lebih rase perlukanNya..
reflect balik kt diri kite y mgkn de bt silap n salah..

Lalu bertaubat n bersyukur..
Itula y lebih baik.


So kwn2,
Jgnla jd cm kwn saye ni
(moga Allah bg hidayah kt die..amin)

Even krg pndai mane pon, kaye, senang ke pe..
Sentiase la bersyukur n bertaubat.
Sok2 bile dh tgglkn dunia ni,
Sume tu bknnye ikut skali ngn kite,
Amalan2 kite je.

Mohon maaf kalo tersilap kate or info.
Peringatan bt diriku y sll leka n serba kekurangan..
Dn insyaAllah bt kwn2 sume.


Monday, December 15

Saya tak ganas laa....

kalau korang nk tau,
aku bknla y sports sgt pun time kt primary n lower secondary skul.
kaki tk mmpu lari lame2 n muscle mmg takde!
persatuan y ku masuk....
puteri islam.

tp sumenyer berubah time masuk mrsm taiping...

time ktrg junior (form 4),
senior de bt hari ko-Q.
sume kelab2 n persatuan2 bt pameran n demo.
tgh round2,
ternmpkla budak2 berpakaian serba hitam n kecoh2.

ku ingt lg...
ku nmpk srg bro ni bengkokkn paku besar.
senior2 pun kate y persatuan silat paling aktif.
'oh..really? hmm..'

cmtula cite cmner aku terlibat ngn silat.
spnjg f4 tu ku lalui training ngn coach name abg wan n kwn2 lain,
brknln ngn super senior n bdk2 silat dr skul sekitar tpg y kdg2 dtg time ktrg training.

prtndgn silat seni mrsm se-malaysia 06 kt mrsm gerik

aku pun ngn smngtnye kate kt coach,
'saye nk masuk cmpetition thn ni!'
dgn pengalamanku y zero,
aku pun lalui latihan selame sebulan
petang n mlm kene training.

mlm2 balik bilik,
mesti bdn lebam2.
minyak sapu sentiase di sisi ku.

ari prtndgn pun tibe.....

disbbkn nervous y menebal,
teammates ku mereleaseknnye dgn main2 kt bnde2 ni.

team silat dr mrsm taiping

smpt lagi posing sblm masuk dewan u prtndgn.

dsbbkn kenervousan y terlmpau,
so gmbr ku time brtndg takde.

keputusan pun telah diumumkn...

mrsm taiping dpt no 1st~!!
pingat emas u kategori tempur puteri (aku n partner ku)
n mrsm ku de gk menang kategori2 lain.
lupe dh...huk3

zam, kelly (my partner u tempur), me, chong
pegang medal2 n piala pusingan

ade pulak prtndgn prgkt daerah.
kelly n aku dah tak masuk tempur cz nk turunkn skill2 kt junior.
kali ni lak,
aku masuk silat olahraga..
die same cm sparing dlm taekwondo.
lawan 1 to 1 ngn budak2 skul lain.
prtndgn tu kt sklh mane ye?
lupe lg.

3ari b4 prtndgn baru nk training..
siap mntk ajar dr senior2 silat y lain cz mmg tak reti
n takde xperience nk pukul org ni.
budak baik kate kn....:P

di hari bertndg..

kategori tempur diwakili junior2ku y kelly n aku ajar.

ni tempur putera lk. junior2 kami gk.

budak2 tpg y masuk masal puteri

ha..y tgk bg sepakan kt kaki tu la aku..

atas kiraan mate y lebih byk,
aku pun diumumkn pemenang =D

2match pertame aku lepas,
tp u final,
brdepan ngn lawan dari sek. teknik,
ku dikalahkn.
dptla 2nd place.
boleh la tu u freshie cm aku ni.

caye tak kalo aku kate aku masuk kategori y paling berat?
iaitu kategori F: berat 54-58kg
kategori atas F berat 48-51kg..
disebabkn sblm prtndgn tu berat aku 53kg..
nk turunkn tak smpt..

coach aku pun suh mkn pisang byk2.
naik la smpai 56 kg dlm 3 ari jer

pics lain..

pecahkn botol kace ngn hntkn kuat mggunekn tapak tgn.
(tricknye..isi 1/3 botol tu ngn air n hntm ngn lajunye)
smpai skang aku fail nk bt ni.huu...

ye...itu parang betul~!
bkn tipu2..
mmg luke2 la tangan kalo tak fokus n x careful

guru2 silat, pesilat2 mrsm taiping n skul2 lain.
rasenye sultan pun ade time ni..

care mndi minyak. sentuhkn jari kt dlm minyak y tgh mendidih ni.
nk uji keberanian.

1st time sentuhkn jari tu,
ku tk rase pape.
sbb tak puas hati,
aku masukkn skali lg tp tgglmkn jari ke dalam sikit.

lepas tu...

tgn aku cm terbakar.
aku takleh nk stop kipas2kn tgn2 aku.
coach bawak p klinik n diinject n dpt ubat thn sakit.

de y lagi teruk,
smpai melecur tgn..huu..

sesi mmbakar n makan kerang :)
smpai ke 3 pg borak2 n makan2.

tido dlm khemah.
bes n kesejukan teramat~!

kami y tlh jd senior ngn booth n lepas demonstrasi u hari Ko-Q.
dpt tmpt 1st u persatuan y booth n demo plg bes :)

masuk uia gombak,
ku dipanggil masuk latihan u atlet,
u brtnding pertndgn masum (majlis sukan universiti malaysia) thn dpn..
ngn keadaan studi y sgt bizi n tak stabil.
ku terpkse pendam saje hasrat ku ini

Saturday, December 13

Future Wedding with Future Husband..planned =_=

How old are you?
19 for 3 days now :P

Are you single?
single n unavailable, ok

In what age do you think you’ll get married?
my mom made me swore 2 get married after i got a job n lots of money.
lets see..ill finish my degree when im 24..might work for a few years..
27/28 mayB? :P

Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now??
i have no strings attached :P

If not, who do you want to marry?
my 'jodoh' of course!

Do you want a garden/beach wedding, or the traditional wedding?
can i have it in a garden near a beach? =D

Your ideal motif?

Where do you plan to go on a honeymoon?
anywhere romantic..ngee

How many guests do you think you’ll invite?
lets see the budget 1st..hhaha~

Do you want an extravagant wedding or a simple wedding?
simple, kampung style wedding. with silat performance, bunge manggar n all :)

Do you want the traditional vows or something you’d make up on your own??
hohooo~ stick to the original!

How many layers of cake do you want to have?
cn i replace layers of cakes with layers of pizza? wohooo~~

Do you prefer having your reception at a hotel or at a simple place?
simple but nice :)

When do you want to get married, evening or morning?
morning till evening please! hiii~

You’d rather have your reception outdoors or indoors?
outdoor with nature n a pond full of ducks.. hahahah~

Do you like a grand entrance for your groom?

Name the song/tune you’d like played at your wedding??
those traditional wedding songs n slow love and romantic songs :P

Do you want a solemn ceremony or a light one?
i cant decide...huuu

What age do you want to get married?
now! but its impossible :P

Describe your ideal husband/wife
caring, loving, romantic + specs

Do you prefer fine dining or just the normal spoon & fork/knife?
eat malay style..with hands :)

champagne or red wine?
sirap bndg :P

Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
right after, of course!

Money or household item?
money to have household items..ngeh2

Who will pay for the bills?
the head of the family.hiii~

Are you ready for married life?
emm........50-50 :P

Will u always be true to your wife/husband
of course! whats the point of getting married if i wont?!

How many kids do u like?
the more,the merrier...mayB ^_^'

A new house for a newly wed or an old one?
new house designed by me!

Will u celebrate silver wedding, gold wedding, or diamond wedding?
anything can...

What kind of cuisine would u like for ur wedding?
pizza2~!! hahahaah..

Will u record ur honeymoon in a cd or dvd?
dvd..then can watch over n over..ngeeee

*end of tag*

Friday, December 12

Thank you, lovely people (n_n)

i wnna say thnk you
to our Sultan Selangor
for honoring both of our birthday
by making 11 Dec a public holiday :P twins....

hepi bfday to:

ainnur liyana
kam's adik
ayan (rafid's fren)

we should celebrate together next year, with Sultan Selangor too. hik3


waaaaaaah~ the book that ive longed for!
this book is the 4th book for The Tales Of The Otori.
so now i just need the 5th book, 'Heaven's Net Is Wide' to finish off the tale :)
thnk u for a McFlurry and this wonderful book,

Syamil, my little bro :)

so cuteeeee!
i LOVE teddy bears!
i guess myra n razi knows the best gift for me. hii~~

teddies 4rm nad too!
awww...cute2 ^_^

like snow globe,
u can see that pretty thingies swimming
when u shake it.

hey, look! a frog! hm2..
i like it very much, fitra!
even the receipt was with the gift.
is this a reminder not to be late to class anymore?
lalalaaa~ :P

orange dolphin!

my big bro, nadhil
bought it after i spotted and

played with it in the mymart.

from my dear umi <3
she always know the right tudung for me
(most of mine was her choice :P)
n the it!

my compaq laptop ^_^
thnks ane,my big bro
for lending money n
sponsoring some of the payment.
ill take gud care of it, i promise!

there was a plastic full of it when we were in Pizza Hut during the celebration of my birthday.
nesh bought it and the others ate lots of it during lunch n bowling match.
with only 6 pieces left,
nesh gave the remaining pieces as a birthday gift.
can laa...:P


tok <3

Qhushairy as song writer, singer n guitarist,
my gift was a song with the lyric 'happy birthday mardhiah' only.
im touched ^_^

mohaimin juichi

ultramen tikah

rosmawati, my x-rumate

shikin harison




ain neollene

kak shira

ata zaffiq

asma' asam

ain, x-skulmate 4rm tpg

aino styko


ena royanti

mms 4rm fairuz mr.muscle

nad do nad dn juge kazen2nye


kak gg low

kak dibah

farah nasiha


rafid budak comel

farah aimi

[did i miss anybody? thnks too~! :P]

arigato ghozaimasu'!!!!